The Montréal Review features long-form critical essays, book reviews, commentary and interviews, photo essays, short stories and poetry. It is illustrated with contemporary and classic art by Canadian and international artists. Contributors to the magazine include Pulitzer Prize winners, thought leaders and opinion makers, world-class journalists and academics.



Economics & Politics

Thomas K. McCraw (Harvard Business School), Joseph S. Nye, Jr. (Harvard's Kennedy School of Government), Richard A. Posner (University of Chicago Law School), Nicholas Lardy (Peterson Institute for International Economics), Allan H. Meltzer (Carnegie Mellon University and Hoover Institution), Charles Perrow (Yale University), Colin Crouch (Warwick Business School), Francesco Boldizzoni (University of Cambridge), Richard Swedberg (Cornell University), James Fulcher (University of Leicester), Max H. Bazerman (Harvard Business School), Ann E. Tenbrunsel (University of Notre Dame), Samuel Bowles (University of Siena), Herbert Gintis (University of Siena), Anirudh Krishna (Duke University), Gilles Saint-Paul (Toulouse School of Economics), Eric MacGilvray (Ohio State University), Mark D. White (College of Staten Island/CUNY), Geoffrey M. Hodgson (University of Hertfordshire), Thorbjørn Knudsen (University of Southern Denmark), Keith Roberts (Judges' Journal), Joshua J. Yates (University of Virginia), Kent Greenfield (Boston College), Douglas W. Allen (Simon Fraser University), Daromir Rudnyckyj (University of Victoria), Iain McLean (Oxford University), Robert B. Ekelund Jr. (Auburn University), Robert D. Tollison (Clemson University), Joshua J. Yates (University of Virginia), Joyce Appleby (UCLA), Dani Rodrik (John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University), Daron Acemoglu (MIT), James A. Robinson (Harvard University), Steven Hill (FairVote, New America Foundation), Mark L. Haas (Duquesne University), Charles A. Kupchan (Georgetown University, Council on Foreign Relations), Stanley A. Renshon (City University of New York), James B. Glattfelder (Olsen Ltd), Georg Sørensen (University of Aarhus), Leo Blanken (Department of Defense Analysis at the Naval Postgraduate School), Stuart Sim (Northumbria University), Carnes Lord (United States Naval War College), James Halteman (Wheaton College), Edd Noell (Westmont College), Judith Stein (City College/Graduate Center of the City University of New York), Richard D. Wolff (University of Massachusetts), Stephen A. Resnick (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), David Parker (Cranfield University, UK), Laurence Cockcroft (Transparency International), Christopher Kennedy (University of Toronto), Eileen P. Flynn (Saint Peter's University), Molly Scott-Cato (Business School of Roehampton University), Joshua Kurlantzick (Council on Foreign Relations), James Gow (King’s College London), Nayef Al-Rodhan (Oxford University, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Switzerland), Michael Larkin (Forum on International Affairs in Washington, D.C), Eric Protzer (Harvard University’s Growth Lab), Paul Summerville (University of Victoria’s Gustavson School of Business), Frank Dobbin (Harvard University), Alexandra Kalev (Tel Aviv University), Fen Osler Hampson (Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University)

Philosophy, Political Theory, Law & Society

Sanford Levinson (University of Texas Law School), Daniel T. Rodgers (Princeton University), Eric Nelson (Harvard University), James DeFronzo (University of Connecticut), Mark Blitz (Claremont McKenna College), John M. Owen IV (University of Virginia), Peter Toohey (University of Calgary), Samuel Moyn (Columbia University), Steven Nadler (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Donna Hicks (Harvard University), Alex Danchev (University of Nottingham), Kieron O'Hara (University of Southampton), George Kateb (Princeton University), Gerald L. Bruns (University of Notre Dame), John Kekes (Union College, Schenectady), Patrick Van Inwegen (Whitworth University), Matthew J. Kisner (University of South Carolina), Philip Kitcher (Columbia University), Steven Horst (Wesleyan University), Peter Corning (Stanford University), Manus I. Midlarsky (Rutgers University), Jeffrey W. Robbins (Lebanon Valley College), David William Bates (University of California, Berkeley), Sean Sayers (University of Kent), A. James Gregor (University of California, Berkeley), Jack S. Levy (Rutgers University), William R. Thompson (Indiana University), Strobe Talbott (Brookings Institution), John Lachs (Vanderbilt University), Michael Davis (Sarah Lawrence College), Steven Bilakovics (Yale University), Richard Avramenko (University of Wisconsin, Madison), David Livingstone Smith (University of New England), Simon Critchley (New School for Social Research and Tilburg University), Anthony Simon Laden (University of Illinois at Chicago), Melvyn L. Fein (Kennesaw State University in Georgia), Paul Thomas (University of California, Berkeley), Tamar Frankel (Boston University School of Law), Miriam Leonard (University College London), Roslyn Weiss (Lehigh University), Michael Jackson (Korea University, Seoul), Damian Grace (University of Sydney), Ryan Patrick Hanley (Marquette University), Jerome Neu (University of Califonia, Santa Cruz), Paul Schollmeier (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), Martin Breaugh (York University), Jerome A. Miller (Salisbury University), S. Adam Seagrave (Northern Illinois University), Julie E. Cooper (Tel Aviv University), James Dawes (Macalester College), Catherine H. Zuckert (University of Notre Dame), John von Heyking (University of Lethbridge), Eva Illouz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Gerard de Vries (University of Amsterdam), Robin Waterfield (independent classical scholar), Jon D. Mikalson (University of Virginia), James Cairns (Wilfrid Laurier University), John Bell (Director of The Conciliators Guild), Raymond Wacks (University of Hong Kong)

Science, Psychology, Technology

Alvin Plantinga (University of Notre Dame), Lynne A. Isbell (University of California), Simon Baron-Cohen (University of Cambridge), Ronald de Sousa (University of Toronto), Patricia Smith Churchland (University of California), Robert W. Lurz (Brooklyn College), Harry Collins (Cardiff University), Michael Tomasello (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology), Marco Iacoboni (David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA), Steve Fuller (University of Warwick), Michael Strevens (New York University), John Duncan (University of Cambridge), Uriah Kriegel (University of Arizona), Alex Mesoudi (Queen Mary, University of London), Christopher Braider (University of Colorado), Nicholas Ostler (Foundation for Endangered Languages), Paul Thagard (University of Waterloo), Mark Pagel (University of Reading), Robert J. Asher (University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge), Kent Flannery (University of Michigan), Joyce Marcus (Museum of Anthropology, at the University of Michigan), Robert S. Westman (University of California, San Diego), Dennis Krebs (Simon Fraser University), Robert N. McCauley (Emory University), Patrick Whitehead (Albany State University), Joel Miller (Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis) John V. Wylie (Founding Member of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society), Harry Prosen (Former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association), Michael Kinch (Washington University in St. Louis), Helga Nowotny (former President of the European Research Council, ETH Zurich) Orna Ophir (DeWitt Wallace Institute of Psychiatry), Stephen Parker (Regent University), Alan Lightman (MIT), Ronnie Janoff-Bulman (University of Massachusetts), Mattias Desmet (University of Ghent), Lee Vinsel (Virginia Tech), Stuart Trenholm (Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University)

Religion & Theology

Robert Wuthnow (Princeton University), Gilbert Meilaender (Valparaiso University), Robert Kugelmann (University of Dallas), Alvin Plantinga (University of Notre Dame), Jeffrey W. Robbins (Lebanon Valley College), Edward Feser (Pasadena City College), John H. Smith (University of Waterloo), John Fea (Messiah College), John F. Haught (Georgetown University), Justin Gest (Harvard University), André Gagné (Concordia University), Robert Audi (University of Notre Dame), Grant N. Havers (Trinity Western University), Alick Isaacs (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Paula Fredriksen (Boston University and Hebrew University in Jerusalem), Richard Swinburne (Oxford University), Clayton Crockett (University of Central Arkansas), Matthew Anderson (Concordia University), Paul Allen (Concordia University), C. Fred Alford (University of Maryland), Randall A. Poole (College of St. Scholastica), Royal W.F. Rhodes (Kenyon College) Paul Valliere (Butler University), Jonathan V. Dauber (Yeshiva University), Brian Britt (Virginia Tech)

Art, Film, Literature & Culture

Leo Damrosch (Harvard University), Steven Ozment (Harvard University), Brian Boyd (University of Auckland), Richard Shiff (University of Texas), Walter Liedtke (Metropolitan Museum of Art), Robert Grudin (University of Oregon), Katherine Hoffman (St. Anselm College), Cynthia Freeland (University of Houston), William E. Wallace (Washington University), Stanley Corkin (University of Cincinnati), Linda Simon (Skidmore College), Patrick Colm Hogan (University of Connecticut), William Deresiewicz (Yale University), Daniel Shaw (Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania), Rachel M. Brownstein (Brooklyn College), Wendy Steiner (University of Pennsylvania), Benjamin Cawthra (California State University), Nicholas Ostler (Foundation for Endangered Languages), Robert Wexelblatt (Boston University), Terry Barr (Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina), Lisa Szefel (Pacific University), Rudy Koshar (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Alexander Zubatov (Scarola Malone & Zubatov LLP), Sam Magavern (University at Buffalo Law Schoo), Steven G. Kellman (University of Texas at San Antonio), Mikhail Epstein (Emory University), Barbara H. Rosenwein (Loyola University Chicago), Ron McFarland (University of Idaho), Craig McDaniel (Indiana University, Herron School of Art + Design), Samuel W. Franklin (Delft University of Technology), Lee Oser (College of the Holy Cross, Worcester), John Cussen (Pennsylvania Western University – Edinboro), Katharina Van Cauteren (The Phoebus Foundation), James Wilson (author of The Earth Shall Weep: A History of Native America), Paul Willetts (author of Members Only), Haim Marantz (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)


Eric Foner (Columbia University), Richard Stoneman (University of Exeter), Nile Green (UCLA), Samuel Moyn (Columbia University), Johan Franzén (University of East Anglia), Carl Wennerlind (Barnard College, Columbia University), Bruce Cumings (University of Chicago), Joyce Appleby (UCLA), Jean-Pierre Filiu (Paris School of International Affairs), James Cronin (Boston College), Richard Wolin (City University of New York), Michael P. Winship (University of Georgia), Sean McMeekin (Bilkent University), Robert S. Westman (University of California, San Diego), Neslihan Senocak (Columbia University), Brad S. Gregory (University of Notre Dame), Andrew Seth Meyer (Brooklyn College), Joshua A. Fogel (York University), Michael D. Bailey (Iowa State University), Walter Scheidel (Stanford University), Barbara H. Rosenwein (Loyola University Chicago), Alan E. Steinweis (University of Vermont), Edward B. Westermann (Texas A&M University), M. Cecilia Gaposchkin (Dartmouth College), Anne E. Lester (Johns Hopkins University), Lauren F. Turek (Trinity University)

Europe & Russia

M. Steven Fish (University of California-Berkeley), Thomas F. Remington (Emory University), Tom Gallagher (University of Bradford), Lars T. Lih (author of Lenin Rediscovered and Lenin: A Biography), Richard Sakwa (University of Kent), Brian D. Taylor (Syracuse University), David Satter (Hudson Institute), James Cronin (Center for European Studies at Harvard University), Wolfgang Streeck (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies), Neil Fligstein (University of California), David A. Dyker (University of Sussex), Gerald M. Easter (Boston College), Tania Raffass (Monash University), Mark D. Steinberg (University of Illinois), Christopher Ely (Florida Atlantic University), Mikhail Epstein (Emory University), Paul Valliere (Butler University)

Middle East

Nikolaos van Dam (Ambassador of the Netherlands to Indonesia, Germany, Turkey, Egypt and Iraq), Thomas W. Lippman (former Middle East bureau chief for the Washington Post), Ali Rahnema (The American University of Paris), Mordechai Kedar (Bar Ilan University), Adeed Dawisha (Miami University), Ronald Bruce St John (author of several books on Libya, including "Libya: Continuity and Change"), Liad Porat (Brandeis University), Chérine Chams El Dine (Cairo University), Bruce K. Rutherford (Colgate University), Fred H. Lawson (Mills College), Anthony H. Cordesman (Center for Strategic and International Studies and ABC News), Jean-Pierre Filiu (Paris School of International Affairs), Adam C. Seitz (Marine Corps University), Ashraf Mishrif (King's College, London), Omar Ashour (University of Exeter), F. Gregory Gause, III (University of Vermont), Steve Yetiv (Old Dominion University), Murat Cizakca (INCEIF, Kuala Lumpur), Martin Shuster (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)

East Asia

Nicholas Lardy (Peterson Institute for International Economics), Zheng Wang (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars), Joshua A. Fogel (York University), J. Christopher Westland (University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong), James F. Scotton (Marquette University), Nicholas Khoo (University of Otago, New Zealand), Robin Porter (Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Bristol), David Kurt Herold (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Steve Chan (University of Colorado, Boulder), Bruce Cumings (University of Chicago), Andrew Wedeman (Georgia State University), Andrew Seth Meyer (Brooklyn College), Gilbert Rozman (Princeton University), Dong Wang (University of Turku, Finland), Michel Cormier (Radio-Canada), Daniel A. Bell (Tsinghua University), David Shambaugh (George Washington University), Stephen Roach (Yale Law School)




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